Exchanging love notes

What girl doesn’t want flowers, chocolates, and love notes from her love…in Tibetan? I was totally surprised that Tashi had attempted to write me a note in Tibetan. Yes, he refers himself to me as Jake Jillanhall [he spelt that wrong!], only because Jake Gyllenhaal is the only Hollywood actor I consider eye candy worthy – but that’s besides the point!

Even though I could read and understand what the note said, I’m pretty sure almost everything is spelled incorrectly with the exception of his name. Poor boy has to brush up on his spelling and stop referring to himself in the third person. Of course I wanted to reciprocate but my competitive side wanted to do it better.

Coincidentally that day, my co-worker had mentioned that she had just joined a Tibetan book club started by Trace Foundation and that they were reading the love poems by the great 6th Dalai Lama. And here is the one I chose! It was a great experience all rolled up: learning how to type Tibetan on my iPhone while learning how to spell at the same time, appreciating the beautiful love poems of the 6th, and exchanging love notes with my boy in our mother tongue. Give it a try!